HEALTH 10 hours ago ‘Is it safe to drink tap water?’: Ask a doctor Amid recent reports of a contaminated water supply in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, Fox News Digital asked experts whether it’s safe to drink unfiltered tap water.
HEALTH August 30 ‘Is it bad to skip breakfast if I’m not hungry?’: Ask a doctor Fox News Digital asked some nutritionists about the potential ramifications of bypassing breakfast and their recommendations for optimizing metabolism with a healthy morning routine.
HEALTH August 23 ‘What is brain fog — and when should I seek medical attention?’: Ask a doctor Most people have had brief lapses of memory, but if they persist, it can be worrisome. Fox News Digital asked two medical doctors about recognizing the symptoms and when to seek medical attention.
Ask a Doctor August 15 'I feel a migraine coming on, what can I do right away?': Ask a doctor When the first signs and symptoms of a migraine appear, taking quick action can help stop the headache — while failing to take those steps can result in a potentially debilitating episode.
HEALTHY LIVING August 1 Ask a doctor: ‘Can I be dehydrated even if I’m not thirsty?’ While dehydration is often associated with being thirsty, that’s not the only warning sign. In this "Ask a doctor" series piece, physicians share five surprising signs of depleted fluids.
Ask a Doctor July 26 Ask a doctor: ‘I swallowed a bug — now what should I do?' Swallowing a bug can be a startling and somewhat disgusting occurrence — but is it dangerous or just a nuisance? A physician offered his expert opinion.
HEALTH July 18 Ask a doctor: ‘Is it safe to swim underwater with my eyes open?’ It may be tempting to open your eyes underwater, but prolonged exposure could put your vision at risk. An ophthalmologist revealed what happens when people take a peek while swimming.
HEALTH July 11 Ask a doctor: 'Why am I getting nosebleeds and how can I stop them?' Having a nosebleed can be startling and somewhat scary, but medical experts say the condition is generally not serious. Two doctors share common causes and signs of severe cases.
HEALTH July 1 Ask a doctor: ‘What should I do about foot blisters?’ Painful foot blisters can put a damper on summer activities. Fox News Digital reached out to two podiatrists for their professional advice, including treatment and prevention tips.
HEALTH June 24 Ask a doctor: ‘Is it ever OK to take someone else’s prescription medication?’ It may be tempting to share pills in a pinch, but two doctors weighed in for this "Ask a doctor" piece about the potential risks of taking prescription medication that belongs to someone else.