FOOD July 27 Need more water intake? These 4 foods can help you stay hydrated on hot summer days Whether people like drinking water or not, nutrition and health experts say four foods are great for keeping the body properly hydrated on hot summer days.
Food-Drink July 16 Here are the drinks you should have on a flight to prevent dehydration — and what you shouldn't Nutrition experts share smart advice for what to drink, and not drink, while traveling by air to your destination. Here are the best and worst choices and the nuances to know.
LIFESTYLE July 7 On this day in history, July 7, 1930, Hoover Dam construction begins Construction of the Hoover Dam, on the Nevada-Arizona border, began on this day in history, July 7, 1930. It covers over 220 acres and is a National Historic Landmark.
VIDEO July 3 Bull shark thrashes off the coast of South Carolina during a tag and release Chip Michalove and his team tag bull sharks, which are aggressive and territorial. (Credit: Chip Michalove/Outcast Sport Fishing)
VIDEO July 2 California scientists tag sharks in Pacific Ocean Scientists with the Shark Lab at Cal State University (CSU) Long Beach tag great white sharks in the Pacific Ocean. (CSULB Shark Lab)
VIDEO July 2 Director at renowned California shark research center discusses what to do when encountering an ocean predator Chris Lowe, the director of the Shark Lab at Cal State Long Beach, discussed with Fox News Digital shark safety tips and conservation efforts.
LIFESTYLE June 25 Beach safety tips: 7 things to do in a rip current and how to stay safe near the water As millions of people head to beaches this summer, water safety experts shared tips and advice for staying safe, including what to do if caught in a rip current.
Food-Drink June 18 As temperatures rise, take these 8 key steps to avoid foodborne illness this summer As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, more and more people are eating outdoors. Here are 8 smart tips for staying healthy and preparing food properly this summer.
United Kingdom May 17 Water parasite in England sickens more than 45 people, residents told to boil tap water before drinking In the in the Brixham area of Devon in the U.K., around 16,000 homes and businesses have been affected by a microscopic parasite that was found in their water.
LIFESTYLE April 21 5 quick Earth Day facts you might not know Earth Day was born out of environmental activism and has led to the creation of important environmental safety regulations. Each year, it is celebrated by countries around the world.