This Day in History 5 hours ago On this day in history, September 7, 1936, legendary singer-songwriter Buddy Holly is born in Lubbock, Texas Buddy Holly was born into a musical family in Texas on this day in history, Sept. 7, 1936, and went on to become a major star in the 1950s, inspired by Elvis, among others.
LIFESTYLE 1 day ago On this day in history, September 6, 1997, Princess Diana is eulogized at her funeral in Westminster Abbey On this day in history, Sept. 6, 1997, Princess Diana, who perished in a car crash in Paris at age 36, was eulogized at her funeral in Westminster Abbey, London, England.
LIFESTYLE 2 days ago On this day in history, September 5, 1774, First Continental Congress convenes in Philadelphia The First Continental Congress convened on on Sept.5, 1774, including delegates from 12 of the 13 colonies and Founding Fathers such as John Adams, Patrick Henry and George Washington.
This Day in History 3 days ago On this day in history, September 4, 2016, Mother Teresa is canonized: 'Generous dispenser of divine mercy' Mother Teresa was canonized, or officially named a saint, on this day in history. The Albanian nun was given the name "Saint Teresa of Calcutta."
LIFESTYLE 4 days ago On this day in history, September 3, 1777, 'Stars and Stripes' flies in battle for first time For the first time, our nation's American flag was flown in battle, on this day in history, Sept. 3, 1777, during a Revolutionary War skirmish at Cooch's Bridge, Delaware. Here's the background.
LIFESTYLE 5 days ago On this day in history, September 2, 1944, George H.W. Bush is shot down during World War II Future President George H.W. Bush was shot down during World War II on this day in history, Sept. 2, 1944, while serving as a pilot off the Japanese island of Chichijima.
This Day in History 6 days ago On this day in history, September 1, 1985, the wreck of the Titanic is found in the North Atlantic The wreck of the RMS Titanic was discovered on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean on this day in history, September 1, 1985. The ship sank on April 15, 1912.
LIFESTYLE August 31 On this day in history, August 31, 1966, Harrier Jump Jet makes first flight The Harrier Jump Jet made its first flight on this day in history, August 31, 1966. The warplane is known for its ability to take off vertically and hover like a helicopter.
This Day in History August 30 On this day in history, August 30, 1984, Space Shuttle Discovery blasts off for its maiden voyage Space Shuttle Discovery flew into space for the first time on this day in history, Aug. 30, 1984. She had a crew of six and had a bit of a rocky start.
LIFESTYLE August 29 On this day in history, August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina slams Gulf Coast, causing massive damage Hurricane Katrina, on this day in history, Aug. 20, 2005, made landfall near New Orleans, Louisiana. The natural disaster caused major destruction and disruption.